Friday, October 26, 2012


Hey amber,

I am sorry for not posting my section last night. My computer charger was MIA yesterday but I finally found it but I'm at work until 3:45. So since I didn't get it to you by last night I can compile it later!! Lemme know! Sorry again!


  1. Okay sounds good! Thanks for letting me know!

  2. Hey amber I sent my recording to your western email, can you let me knwo if it works?? let me know by posting back to me on the blog pls thanks !

  3. I sent it from my bfs phone so you will get an email from

  4. Hey Amber, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to compile it since I said I would because I didn't get it to you in time or if you were-

  5. No I can do it, I've already got it all compiled I just have to insert your piece!

  6. No I can do it, I've already got it all compiled I just have to insert your piece!

  7. I emailed it! I emailed it! I emailed it!

    I am sooooo sorry! I put my phone number on the email I sent you (on wmich) so if you have any problems please feel free to text or call me!

    Thanks again!!!!
