Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lesson Plan 2 Topics

Hey group!

I was just wondering what you girls had decided to do your second lesson plan on that is due on Friday. I will be starting mine tomorrow and wanted to know what topic NOT to do so we don't get in trouble for using the same ideas as each other. Hopefully you girls check this soon!

Hope to hear from both of you soon!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapter 6: page # 95-113

        There were two examples included that were said to encourage students to be reflective and allow them to evaluate their own strengths: blogs and online survey tool. Through the use of a blog, students are offered a space where they can reflect over time about what they are learning, as well as a place where they can go back and review what they were thinking and how they were thinking at a particular point in time. For the online survey tools, students are able to identify interests, strengths, and weaknesses that are beneficial to teachers to know that will assist in guiding learning. They can also be used to track trends and help students to see how their self-assessment compares to the larger group of students. 

        In this chapter, they discussed a multiple ways of getting minds ready for a project. The first concept they used was by tapping students’ prior knowledge through K-W-L charts. K-W-L stands for Know-Wonder-Learn. This is used to get students’ attention and allowing the idea to settle in their imagination. It is important for students to explore and think about the topic before the start of the project, and that the project holds so many possibilities! I enjoyed reading about how a teacher was going to start a section on biology and physics called Colonizing the Planets, and she simply brought up a poster and encouraged her students to pay attention the way of life on other planets that had been imagined over time, and also hinted that they will be having a special guest that next week. This provokes the children to search for their project concept in daily life and got them interested in who/what the “special guest” could be! I feel that this strategy allows their ideas to “run wild”. 

        When teaching the fundamentals, there are two concepts that must be discussed and implemented before the project is: set the stage for independent inquiry and the assessment rubric. By focusing on these two ideas, the students will be built up to the point that they are ready to begin. When setting the stage for independent inquiry, the students are able to establish a point of departure, as well as a sense of purpose. This is when the students are put in touch with their prior knowledge and helps imagine where their learning can go. The assessment rubric is their “roadmap” towards the great achievement they can gain from the project. By discussing the main learning tasks and underlying skills, the students are given the guidelines to what the intended performance looks like through a description of each possible rating. 

        There are four steps used in preparing students for using technology in a project: set up a technology playground, tap students expertise, introduce project-management tools, and  demonstrate. When setting up a technology playground, students are encouraged to teach each other and provide an opportunity for students to explore the different technologies and applications that can be incorporated in their classroom project. In taping students expertise, students that are technically able are able to teach others, such as in small groups that rotate around the room from station to station that allow student trains to demonstrate how to use the tools. This provides students in the classroom that need more work to explore and practice with the tools, and having another student there to ask questions and show more detailed explanations to their questions.When introducing project management tools, teachers implement the use of blogs and logs that fill in as a check list where students track tasks they have completed and offer a place for reflection. This reference sheet can be used to track the progress to students’ goals and offer more insight to the teacher into where-and why- their students might be struggling or falling behind. Lastly, in demonstrating, teachers are able to use their resources around them. Whether this is through their own personal knowledge being presented to the class or by tapping into a technology specialist, another teacher, or a savvy student to demonstrate, it provides the connection between the teacher and the student to be able to learn together. 

        One of the primary ways to promote inquiry and deep learning to students is to look back at the wording the question(s). If the question leads the student to a one answer question and shows no other way of extending the thought processes from there, the question(s) must be reevaluated. Some types of questions that promote higher thinking are: “which one” that asks students to collect information and make informed decisions; “how” that asks students to understand problems, to weigh options, perhaps from various points of view, and to propose solutions; “what if”, or hypothetical, asks students to use the knowledge they have to pose a hypothesis and consider options; “should” that asks students to make moral or practical decisions based on evidence; and “why” that asks students to understand the cause and effect. 

        The biggest connection, to our class as a whole, is through the use of setting up a technology playground. When our lab section of our class is set in a computer lab, we are able to learn about technology and applications that we will be asked to work with for projects that are assigned to us. Since we have the computer(s) at our finger tips, we are able to play around and familiarize ourselves with the applications, as well as ask questions when needed to our professor during our class period. 

Friday, October 26, 2012


Hey amber,

I am sorry for not posting my section last night. My computer charger was MIA yesterday but I finally found it but I'm at work until 3:45. So since I didn't get it to you by last night I can compile it later!! Lemme know! Sorry again!

Ch. 6 Reading Reflection

Amber Hobson

Chapter 6
Project Launch -Implementation Strategies

The beginning of a project is the time to fill students with optimism and curiosity about their journey into the learning ahead. I think that it is very important that when starting a project that the beginning is a very important part of the project. As a teacher you want to use that time to inspire your students, and to learn from them, what they already know about the subject, and get them excited about the whole project, so you are kicking off the project in a fun, and exciting way so that it is something they can look forward too.

Also I think that evaluating is very important for students. It really helps when you are giving feedback, as well as receive feedback. It helps students to think about their own capabilities and how they direct their own learning. As a teacher it is always good to ask your students to think about their thinking and processes. There are many ways using technology for students to evaluate their selfs and project. I like that the students have all of these opportunities for using technology, and being aware of what is out there for them.

Get minds ready- I is really helpful for not only the students but for a teacher as well to do a Know-Wonder-Learn (K-W-L) activity where students can be aware of what they know and do not know. This activity is an exploration that puts students in touch with their prior knowledge and helps them imagine where their learning can go.
The Know - this is where you can see what your students already know, and how much they already know. It is important to go over what everyone knows before starting a project.
The Wonder- this is where you can find out what it is that they really want to learn from this project, so then as a teacher you can make what the wonder the goals of this project for the students, I also think that this helps students learn better because they really put their input into it, and really feel apart of the project.
The Learn- This is where you can actually begin learning, and make sure they are meeting their project goals, and you can test them on what they are learning.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stephanie Hill
Reading Reflection #6
                Technology tools can encourage students to be reflective and evaluate their own strengths for a variety of reasons.  One way is that by writing in a blog, students can share their thoughts to their peers and also give themselves a chance to think about what they are learning. Also, surveys such as SurveyMonkey allows students to see how they compare to a larger group. I think that having your students blog about their strengths is a very beneficially idea to help your students grow.  However, I think that it is safe to say that not all students will take blogging their strengths seriously, so it is important to remember to have more than one topic for students to blog about to keep them on track.  
                There are several ways that you can get your students minds ready for mini projects.  Know-Wonder-Learn (KWL) is one of the first ways that this chapter discusses and this concept is not new to me.  I have done KWL’s many times as a student in high school and I honestly do not find them that helpful.  If a topic interest me then the KWL works perfectly but if it is a topic that I do not have interest in, such as math, I do not put effort into a KWL.  I like how this chapter does not than just  KWL but has students put details and activities to keep the topics exciting
                Continuing in this chapter is a discussion on teaching the fundamentals first.  This section teaches us as teachers that we cannot expect our students to just know everything and be ready for a project, we must each them prior knowledge and skills so that they can full benefit from a class project.  I like how principal Kay Graham teaches her students about microbes as a life form before she dives right into her parking lot oil bioremediation project.  As teachers we should not be in denial that our students do not have the passion and knowledge that we do about projects so it is our job to create the vision for our students.
                There are several important steps for preparing your students for using technology in a project.  Teachers must ask themselves: “what tools are best for the job?  What do students already know how to do?  What will they need to know?”  All of these questions are valid questions that teachers should not overlook when starting a technology project.
                The first way to promote inquire and deep learning is that all students should understand that there is a relationship between need and opportunity, and between scarcity and abundance.  Another way to promote this is that money, bartering, and other means of exchange have existed throughout history and across civilizations, and they continue to change.  These are just a few of the ways that teachers can promote inquire and deep learning  ways to promote inquiry and deep thinking.
                This chapter relates to my project because it reminds me that I should not overlook or be too prepared when it comes to starting a project with my students.  It is always beneficial to assume that your students need help and if they do not, then you were more prepared than need me and that is never a bad thing!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 5 Reflection: p. 75-91

       When starting out a project, there are many things that should be considered for students, such as considering what materials that will be needed and the ability levels of the students in the classroom. Some of the materials highlighted in the chapter are taking inventory of supplies and materials at the school, or in surrounding communities (parent community or other supporters). Another aspect is considering the technology level the students are at and what ways their horizons can be expanded through the use of the project. They also could benefit from using professionals and experts, whether in the area or out, and allowing them to come into the classroom to talk to the students, in person or through videoconferencing or virtual field trips. The last item to consider before starting a project is the students’ individual strengths and interest. These two ideas are beneficial to consider because it allows for the student to make connections between other students and make the project engaging for all involved the best way how.

      Through every experience students encounter through their educational career, they should be picking up on ways to become effective managers of their own time. They should be able to use these tips and hints through their education and beyond. Teachers have a variety of ways to implement time management, such as project calendar (online or timeline tool). These can be beneficial because the calendar doesn’t have to be just for students to use but their parents can have access to it too, either on the classroom website or a weekly email.

       In the chapter, they suggested using quite a few different technology applications, such as Wikispaces, Drupal, and Textpattern. These applications are used mainly as blogs that connect the bridge for students to access information and communicate to other students from any computer with Internet access. The students can also create their own web pages and use this as a way to post any and all of their thinking in the classroom, like “artifacts”. “Start simply, then elaborate” is a term used to refer back to the ability to start with a simple idea or concept, like a blog, and from there the possibilities are endless.

       There were quite a few concepts through the chapter that relate directly to our topic/project. They discussed the use of rubrics to communicate desired results to the students, the use of blogs as a way to track project and communicate with other group members easily, and team planning such as having students, “who will complement each others’ attributes” and “a good team needs a mix of skills”.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ch. 5

Amber Hobson

Reading Refection Ch. 5

Project Management Strategies for Teachers and Learners

It is very important when doing any project,  to have a project manager to keep things on task and organized. Having a project manager benefits the project in a lot of ways. In the classroom a teacher could be a head project manager and also you could have your students have many different roles in the project, and one of those roles could be a project manager. Someone who overlooks everything, makes sure everyone is staying on task, is there for an extra helping hand, organizing the project, recording what is going on, and being time efficient.

It is also very important to have the materials that you will need ready, and have them recored for what you will need for a project. You never want to be unprepared. It is always good to know what resources will be available  through the school, and the community and with technology. Also many of the people in the school and in the community could be a lot of help with a project. It is really great to have your students be able to reach out to some professionals to ask questions, so I think it really important to be able to try to make those connectons for your students.

"Teaching students to become effective managers of their own time should be an overarching goal of any project; this is a skill that will support them throughout their education and beyond. Projects of all sizes offer opportunities to teach and reinforce good time management skills." (78) Learning time management is important for anything you do in life, whether you are in elementary school, or college.  When working any job it is important to be able to manage your time to make sure that you are productive and still on the track of the goal.

Technology plays a huge role in projects. I think that it is best to start off with simpler things, and move on to bigger things in technology. There are so many tools out there for a teacher and their class to use and managing projects can become a lot simpler with the help of technical support.  Digital tools can support teachers in the high-level orchestration of projects and students as they get into the  business of learning through projects.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Stephanie Hill
Reading Reflection #5
            Chapter five begins by discussing which items should be considered before starting a project with students.  First, teachers should take another look at their assets inventory and think about how specific resources could support this project.  Teachers shouldnt look past their community or parents to help out with the materials needed for this project as well.  I really like the idea of sending out an email to parents about donating materials because allows the parents to be involved in the project and keeps the costs down.  Also, teachers should plan on explaining unfamiliar tools to your students.  With new projects, it is highly likely that the students will be unfamiliar how to use some or more tools so it is important to plan ahead.
            Being an efficient t manger or your time as a teacher will demonstrate to children that they are cable of doing the same as a student.  Planning milestones is one of the ways that this chapter suggests will help students understand when they are expected to have specific parts of a project done.  I think that giving children milestones throughout a project is effective because it will give them more opportunities to see what they have accomplished rather than waiting until th end of a project.  The students will also gain confidence with milestones and can also learn from their mistakes if they made any in the beginning. 
            Specifically, teachers have several management needs; tools for communicating with students and others about the project, tools for making milestones and events visible and for notifying students when changes occur, methods for getting resources to students and systems for managing work products.  Students also have project management needs; systems and tools that help them manage their time and flow of work, systems that help students manage materials and control work drafts, collaboration tools, methods for seeking assistance, ways to get and use feedback on their work, through self-reflection, team input, and teacher advice and ways to work iteratively and to see how parts add up to the whole.
Some of the applications that should be considered in this project are a wiki a blog or a Drupal and Textpattern.   I personally think that the wiki is very useful because students can edit each others work and collaborate on ideas, which allows students to work in teams.  Also, wiki gives the possibility of working with many different ideas, giving every student the opportunity to express themselves.
            This chapter gave me a variety of ideas on how to approach my project for Gardening in the Classroom.  I realized that it is important for not only teachers to prepare for a new project but students need to prepare as well. I would use wiki for my project by having students collaborate e together to decided what type of garden they would like.  This way, each students opipion is expressed and valued. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

chapter 4 reading reflection

In this chapter I learnd that students should be participate in their learning by be involved in their learning, such as asking questions and gaining real-life skills.  Continuing, students learn best through observartion and working through activities each day. This chapter also discussed the importance of forming hobbies and interests outside of school.  When students have interest outside of school, I beleive this will help their social interaction as well as personal development.
Teachers should always try to work hard and not forget that they can always improve their lessons and interactions with their students.  It is also important to know that each student has adifferent learning path and way of understanding. Students should also use the 21st century technology as an advantage to their learning because there are so many oppurtunties for them.
            In addition, when teachers have projects that are based on questions that extend their students knowledge, it allows the students to question themselves and gain more knowledge.
            I think this chapter was overall very helpful and as a future teacher I value understanding how to teach and learn from my students in different ways.

Chapter 4

Strategies for Discovery

Specifically they wanted to encourage primary students to make observations and raise questions about  what they were seeing in the world around them. Learning through observation occurs in real life so teachers began imagining how to bring inquiry into students' daily activities-travelling to and from school, pursuing hobbies, or just spending time at home. I think that it is very important to teach relatable subjects to your students, even giving them the freedom to brainstorm ideas in the class for what they would like to do for there classroom project.

For reviewing projects it is really good to look over other projects by other teachers and other teaching teams, there may or not be things that you like but since it is your class you can change things up or stick to somethings that you liked.

I think that it is important to be aware of ways that you can improve.  There are many potential pitfalls to look out for like Long on activity, short on learning outcomes. Technology layered over traditional practice. Trivial thematic units. And overly scripted with many, many steps. These are all potential pitfalls that could appear in your project design, which are all important to look out for.

There are many projects that share important features. Some of the features that I would want to make sure that I included in my projects as a teacher would be loosely designed projects with the possibility of different learning paths. Also projects that center on a driving question or are otherwise structured for inquiry. Projects that are realistic, and therefore cross multiple disciplines. Are structured so that students learn with and from each other. Have students working as inquiring experts might. Get a 21st- century skills and literacies, including communication, project management, and technology use.

Lesson Plan Topic

Hey, girls Just so we don't have any overlap on our lesson plans due tonight, I chose to do my lesson plan on composting.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chapter 4 Reflection: p. 59-74

There are four types of potential pitfalls in project design. These are: long on activity and short on learning outcomes, technology layered over traditional practice, trivial thematic units, and overly scripted with many, many steps. The first potential pitfall, long on activity and short on learning outcomes, is where the project is too busy and extends more than it should but doesn’t reach most of the learning aims that it should. The second potential pitfall, technology layered over traditional practice, is where students only research a topic on the Internet and are forced to present it in an electronic slideshow that doesn’t express any other thinking than presenting a research report. The third potential pitfall, trivial thematic units, is where teacher’s use a cookie cutter routine from year to year, instead of creating new worthwhile experiences for students to unify all the year’s projects to make connections. And in the last potential pitfall, overly scripted with many, many steps, is where students results of their projects look the same and their outcomes do not justify the steps that the students are required to do. The best projects share a plethora of qualities: are loosely designed with the possibility of different learning paths; are generative, causing students to construct meaning; center on a driving question or are otherwise structured for inquiry; capture student interest through complex and compelling real-life or simulated experiences; are realistic, and therefore cross multiple disciplines; reach beyond school to involve others; tap rich data or primary sources; are structured so students learn with and from each other; have students working as inquiring experts might; get a 21st century skills and literacies, including communication, project management, and technology use; get at important learning dispositions, including persistence, risk-taking, confidence, resilience, self-reflection, and cooperation; lastly, have students learn by doing. Good ideas for projects are everywhere. Many successful projects will often lead to another, and the continuation of productive projects will carry on. The first step in designing a good project is to revisit the framework. This means that a list is finalized of learning objectives, decide on specific 21st-century skills that want to be addressed, and identify learning dispositions that want to be enabled. Next is to establish evidence of understanding. This is taking into consideration what students would know or be able to do once they have learned. Third step is to plan the project theme or challenge. The goal of this is to strive for “optimal ambiguity”, which is both structure and flexibility to serve the needs of the project. Lastly, the final step is to plan the entree into the project experience. We ask ourselves the question, “what will captivate your students?” This concept relates to my group’s topic through the use of researching topics, whether they are someone else’s ideas or new ones. We used a previous used topic and added on to it to meet the needs of our project. The “Square of Life” was a concept that was a website where classrooms around the country were able to communicate and express their findings in a collaborative community. We added in that they would communicate with their sister school, and any other classrooms they wanted to, every month their findings where they express their findings and compare other classroom’s findings with theirs. I thought their idea was a great idea and was worthwhile to use as a starter for our project.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Chapter 3: p. 43-57

When searching for the “big idea” in a project, it is important to envision what you want the ending product to look like. We want to stray away from predictable and generic projects, and strive for understanding the importance that allow for students to directly connect with frames of reference, interests, and experiences. We need to be able to prove the project’s relevance in real life. The mentality we all need to have is “hands-on, minds-on”, that take into account diverse interests with real-world contexts. By taking thinking into unfamiliar territory, everyone will create a learning community that will help students grow together. 21st Century skills stretch student’s intellectual muscles in ways that traditional learning activities may not. There are three in particular concepts: analyze, evaluate, and create. When analyzing, students must: examine, explain, investigate, characterize, classify, compare, deduce, differentiate, discriminate, illustrate, and prioritize. When evaluating, students must: judge, select, decide, justify, verify, improve, defend, debate, convince, recommend, and assess. Lastly, when students create, they must: adapt, anticipate, combine, compose, invent, design, imagine, propose, theorize, and formulate. 21st Century Literacies allow projects to prepare learners for the world beyond school. We live in a time where we are all digital-age learners and it is a necessity that we use a wide range of skills to be able to successfully survive in the ever increasing digital world. Literacy really boils down to learning to be independent, aware, and productive citizens. There are eight selected learning functions: ubiquity, deep learning, making things visible and discussable, expressing ourselves/sharing ideas/building community, collaboration, research, project management, and reflection and iteration. In ubiquity, students learn to be more mobile and learn wherever they are, whenever they want and more frequently, with whomever they want. In deep learning, students are required to navigate and sort, organize, analyze, and make graphical representations in order to learn and express learning. In making things visible and discussable, students show rather than tell. They use different types of multimedia to express an idea or thought. In expressing ourselves and sharing ideas, students use personal interaction, such as blogs, to express thoughts. In collaboration, students learn to learn together. In research, students use the Web as a resource in searching for information. In project management, students learn to manage time, work, sources, feedback from others, drafts, and projects during projects. And lastly, reflection and iteration, students learn to examine their ideas from all sides and from other points of view. They learn to “put their thoughts on the table” and being able to look back at past thoughts and opinions. I see many connections from this chapter that are incorporated into my group’s topic/project, such as expressing ourselves, sharing ideas, building community because in our virtual penpals we will be using personal interaction to interact with other classrooms around the United States. They will also be using deep learning through their collection of data and deciphering the similarities and differences between their “square” and another classroom’s square somewhere else in the world.

Websites for Assignment (10/5)

My websites for the webevaluation are: - - - I know we aren't supposed to have duplicate websites used so that is why I'm posting mine on here so we don't end up using the same website(s).

Square of Life

This map is show all of the involved schools participating in the Square of Life project that allows classrooms of all grade levels to learn about their own communities environment, as well as other classrooms and their findings that are located around the United States (and other parts of the world).
View Square of Life in a larger map

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey girls, I don't know if everyone got my email today on GOWMU but we need to get to work on our project that is due tomorrow... I don't know your two emails to add you to the Drive.doc I've created so as soon as you see this please post on here the emails and I'll add you to it and we can work on it together! I hope you guys check this soon!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stephanie Hill
Reading Reflection 3
The “Big Idea”  is a concept that has a several components that are discussed in chapter three.  When working with other teachers one should consider asking themselves “what do these add up to” in relation to curriculum standards.  Each grade level has a different level of standards and it is important to think about why each concept is important and why we actually need this standard when teaching our students.  An example that I thought was of importance was on page 46 about taking physical science education to the next level.  It is important to challenge students and allow them to work with real-life situations, such as burning wood for fuel.  Also, I agree that when students feel like their experiments or projects actually do something for the community; they are more likely to put effort and care about what they are doing.
                Students will also gain 21st century skills such as being able to apply, analyze, evaluate and create; all of which will allow students to think beyond subject mastery.
                Continuing,  students will also gain 21st literacies.  Some of these skills that students will gain are inventive thinking,  effective communication, and high productivity.  Each of these higher level skills will benefit students in their future careers and allow them to not just learn the material but take these skills into their futures.  When students practice literacy in this way, they learn to work rely on themselves, become intentional and sincerely try to work for their futures.
                                Another concept that was discussed in chapter three was the essential learning functions.  There are eight essential learning functions cause students to further their knowledge.  To begin, the first essential learning function is ubiquity, which means that students are given the opportunity to learn at all times of their day.  Thus, children can learn when they do not even realize they are learning such as through an Ipad or MP3 player.  The next essential learning function is deep learning.  Deep learning refers to students not just finding typical websites but digging deeper and having to work through a website with difficult layers and understanding. The third essential learning function is making things visible and discussable, which allows students not just to look at a map but understand what the map is telling them and be able to think about what they are looking at.   The fourth essential learning function is expressing ourselves, sharing ideas and building community.  This function refers to students using their similar interests to work together as one, such as MySpace.  The fifth essential learning function is collaboration-teaching and learning with others.   I think that this function is very useful because it allows us to come together to listen to each others ideas and opinions  which allows us to be open minded.  The sixth essential learning function is research, which in my own terms means helping students make sense of what they are trying to find, such as being able to narrow down their topic and be more specific when they look up information on the web.  The seventh essential learning functino is project management: Planning and organization.  Although the seventh essential learning function is obvious to many of us as teachers, it is one of the most significant parts of the our job.  We need to find an organizational system that works for us and master it.  The final essential learning function is reflection and iteration, which encourages students to reflection on their previous thoughts or new thoughts they may have on a topic.  Reflecting on ones ideas helps us grow as learners.
                Reflection and iteration highly relates to my project because as a group we must reflect upon what we could fix about our time management (for example) each time we meet, reflection on how we worked together that week and reflection our strengths and weaknesses.

Monday, October 1, 2012

amberkarliesteph: amberkarliesteph: Chapter 2 Reading Reflection

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amberkarliesteph: Chapter 2 Reading Reflection

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Chapter 2 Reading Reflection

Stephanie Hill
EDT 4:00-5:20
Reading Reflection #2
Chapter 2 discussed Creating a Professional Learning Community. The focus of Learning Communities is that teaches are given the opportunity to work with one another on creating projects and how to teach different lesson plans to their students. There are many benefits to Learning Communities. To begin, Learning Communities decreases teacher isolation. This means that when teachers work together on projects or new ideas, they are not isolated to their own individual thoughts and are able to see new perspectives from one another. Next, Learning Communities increases commitment to the mission. When teachers work collaboratively, it allows them to see each other’s strengths and weaknesses, thus giving each teacher the chance to work on something they are skillful at. Also, Learning Communities gives teaches the chance to share responsibility. This benefit is very significant because teachers should share ideas with one another and feel like they trust their colleagues. Continuing, Learning Communities provides more powerful learning. Lastly, Learning Communities causes a higher likelihood of fundamental, systemic change. Learning Communities is affects teachers in a variety of ways. When teachers are able to talk to one another and shoot ideas back and forth, they feel less constrained and are able to get feedback. Feedback from other teachers allows one to see where they need improvement and where their lesson is strong. Learning Communities affects students because they are able to see first-hand how successful teamwork functions. When students see their teachers working together and giving one another beneficial feedback, they can use this in their own life.  When schools use Learning Communities; there are several components that are a shared vision.  One of the components is that members of the community have a clear sense of a mission.  I think that this is a very important component for bringing success to Learning Communities because if everyone is not on the same page, then things will result negativity.  Another component of Learning Communities is that members focus on student learning.  Although working with other teachers is a way for teachers to share ideas and find out what works and doesn’t work, teaches must understand that the main reason for Learning Communities is to benefit the students.  If a teacher is slacking off and putting their main energy into talking to teachers about their own personal life, they are not doing their job. This chapter relates to my project because while working with two other students, I need to keep in mind many of the components that this chapter speaks about.   For example, I need to be willing to stay open minded of my partners ideas and make sure that I give honest feedback to my partners.


Concept Map